Wednesday, November 18, 2009

a new day and subsequently new pages...

To be sure, my mother, Eva Stutters, is a beautiful woman. In her formidable years, she looked like a freakishly stunning cross between Ursula Andress and Kim Basinger. She is now in her mid-forties and Time, the ever-subtle thief of beauty has started to chip away at her looks. She is still beautiful, just now with hints of haggard.

Perhaps, as much as Time steals things from us, it is also our vices which wear us down. In my mother’s case, wine, in color both red and white, is a major contributing factor to who she has become.

Yes, she is a lush. Today, like most days when I arrive home from school, I find her lying in a heap on our overpriced, ultra-modern sofa. A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon sits a quarter full and sweating on an end table within reach of her chronically unsteady grasp. In her left hand rests a wine glass. A terrycloth robe, wrapped less-than-snug, rounds out the absurd scene.

The television is playing Days of Our Lives, its mediocrity hypnotizing her.

“Hi Mom. How’s your day going?

She glances in my direction, grunts like an ogre and waves me away.

I refuse to let her off that easily.

“I had a super day at school. The highlight was when two guys jumped me in the hallway and pulled my underwear up my ass.”

I pause, waiting for a response, a sign of life.

“Okay then. I think I’ll go up to my room and amputate my arms with a chainsaw. Then I’ll come back down and rub my bloody stumps all over your robe.”

Still nothing. I give up.

“Enjoy the rest of your day.”

I take our stairs two at a time, reach the upstairs hallway and make a beeline for my room. Before I’ve taken two steps, beauty cascades from my parent’s room and overtakes the hallway.

Marta Dominguez, our live-in housekeeper, clothed in designer jeans that look specially made to embrace her hind curves and an orange blouse that is tasteful in a quietly suggestive sort of way.

Marta grew up in the slums of Mexico City and came to the United States when she was twenty-years-old in search of a life that did not involve selling her body so that she could eat on a daily basis.

Coincidentally, when I was ten-years-old, my mother, momentarily weary of living a charmed life, decided to try her hand at philanthropy. She searched for two weeks to find the organization that would suit her vast humanity.

Our local food bank is what she finally settled on. It was perfect. Volunteers had to commit to one night a month for two hours. Responsibilities included slopping soup into a bowl and handing the bowl to the unfortunate people in line. Smiling was optional.

Eva Stutters, a beacon of selflessness, didn’t even last one night. During the last hour of her shift, she encountered a churlish Vietnam Veteran who the United States government had failed when he came back from the foolish war. He mentioned to my mother that the soup was lukewarm. My mother told him that the soup had been out for over an hour, and besides, a man in his position didn’t have the right to complain about a meal that was free.

Vietnam Vet man didn’t appreciate my mother’s retort and proceeded to hurl his bowl of lukewarm soup onto her Gucci suit, calling her a “pretentious hag” as he stormed out of the food bank.

It took a two week mental-health vacation through the vineyards of Napa Valley for her to recover. To this day, she bemoans the loss of her Gucci suit.

Upon my mother’s return from her self-pity wino vacation, she put an ad in the paper for a live-in housekeeper. And so entered the beautiful Marta Dominguez into my life.

What started as a goofy school-boy crush has now exploded into a wanton sexual fantasy. On many nights, when I’m feeling particularly self-loathing, I penitently pleasure myself to the numerous pictures I have of her stored in a secret compartment in my underwear drawer.

You see, I have this unrealistic belief that it is Marta who will one day smell the sweet aroma of my man-flower and usher me gently into manhood.

Marta smiles sweetly at me now, lighting up the otherwise dim hallway.

“Hi Walt! How was your day?” she asks kindly.

Dammit! It’s been less than thirty seconds and already my entire blood supply is moving like an angry mob towards my genitals. Calm yourself!

“My day?” There is an awkward pause as I search for words. Say something you idiot!

“My day- my day is well.”

Stupid! Stupid! Gosh, look at her exquisite breasts. So well-formed and supple. Like nippled orbs of merriment. Don’t stare.

She giggles. “I’m glad your day is well.”

“Thank you. And how has your day been treating you my lady?”

I doth a cap, which I’m not wearing and bow like an 18th-century Londoner. I’m such a fool.

“Oh thanks for asking! My day…”

Yummy. Those lips. That hair, so silky and brushed. I wonder what kind of shampoo she uses? Head and Shoulders? No. Not good enough. Probably something like Hair Care for Goddesses. Her skin such a perfect shade of perfection. . Mocha colored, soft, with nary a blemish. What I wouldn’t do to rub some lotion on her.

“…and so besides all of that, my day is going okay.”

Piss, shit, fuck! In all of my daydreaming, I’ve completely missed what she’s said. In addition, I am now sporting a full-mast erection. I subtly put my back pack in front of my meek bulge. I lower my right hand and yank my boner upwards in hopes of concealing it in the contours of my Chino’s. The action is clumsy enough that I only succeed in making it point nearly 90 degrees to the right.

“Walt, are you feeling okay? Your face is flushed.”

Settle down. Avert eye contact. Think of Grandma Stutters naked and playing Twister with midgets.

“I’m feeling… so warm all of a sudden. So warm I am feeling. I think I’ll go to my room and lie on my bed for a bit.”

“Can I get you anything? An icepak or some water?

No, but you could let me rest my head on your ample bosom.

“I think I’ll be fine. Thank you though.”

“Okay. Be sure to give a shout if you need anything.”

“Thank you Marta.”

Such a genuine human being. The purity contained in the tightly constructed 110 pound body of hers is like Norwegian glacier water. I feel a brief twinge of guilt that I masturbate to her pictures.

I continue down the hall, hoping the poor lighting helps keep Marta’s eyes from discovering the diminutive tee-pee I’ve pitched in my pants. As I near her, I turn ever so slightly as to avoid grazing her in the mid-section with my man-missile.

She gives another megawatt smile as I pass, unaware of my discomfited attempt to avoid touching her. The final few steps to my room are rushed and I fling the door open and escape the hallway.

In the corner of my room is a pile of dirty clothes and it looks like an appropriate place to hurl my backpack. I collapse onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling, taking deep breaths, allowing my erection to take a peaceful path back to flaccid.

The ceiling begins to turn fuzzy as thoughts of my future ricochet from one side of brain to the other. What am I going to make of my life?

I am a white kid growing up in upper-class Suburbia with every advantage to make something of myself. It would be a fucking insult to every child drowning in third-world poverty if I didn’t become a contributing member of society.

Despite all of that, I still feel lost and I can’t imagine a place in the world that will have me.


I peer out into the hallway and my eyes sleuth the corridor for any sign of Marta. She seems to have moved on from her upstairs duties. This relieves me as I am only capable of enduring one awkward teenage boner sequence a day.

I am lithe as I can be sneaking from hallway to downstairs. As I pass the living room, the corner of my eye catches what has now gone from an absurd scene to a sad one. My mother has moved on from drunken stupor to drunken slumber. She is fast asleep, still clutching her now empty bottle of Cab Sav. A puddle of drool has pooled from the left side of her mouth and found a resting place on a satin pillow. In spite of myself, I feel sorry for her.

I run to the kitchen and grab a napkin. It occurs to me, as I wipe the pillow and dab the side of her mouth, that at one point in her life she probably did this for me. Favor returned mother. Now, please get your shit together.


Monday, November 16, 2009

i am not a spook...

greetings kind readers,

this will be my last post before i unveil some new pages at the end of this week.


I am Not a Spook

No. I am not a spook; I am a man of substance.
I cut to release, watch the poison leap from my veins,
my hibernation is a covert preparation.
Our skin is a stain upon my progress, I shed it.
Light confirms my reality, gives birth to my form,
to be unaware of one’s form is to live a death.
I live with my head in the lion’s mouth, open wide,
I drift like Marlowe, closer to my heart of darkness.
Bound by a great dream to a beautiful monument,
bound by a thieving nation, steal my soul, make me feel less than human.
“Let them swallow you whole til’ they vomit or bust wide open.”
Wise words from an old fool who died a shade less black.
I denounce and I defend and I hate and I love.
This road was not chosen but I enjoy the exile.
Who knows, perhaps on some frequency, I speak for you?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In Midnight Sleep, In Another Time

In midnight sleep, faint faces
watch me sleep. I know them
intimately as I attach to their forms
like a child clings to mother. I am
mortally wounded, smoking holes from
their heads, intertwined arms, a family of
four in a house turned grave. I dream,
I dream, I dream.

Of scenes of sand, blood mingles
with viscous stains on a street
teeming with contempt. Of skies
different from ours, there are no
storms and so there is no beauty.
Simply sunrise, sunlight, sundown
and scattered bodies somewhere in

Long, long is the trail
of matter from
the smoking holes of four heads
to the steel tip of my boot. Through
the carnage I have created, I walk
with callous composure. Mother, daughter,
father and son. Now,
of their forms at night,
I dream, I dream,
I dream.

Monday, November 9, 2009

light's omniscience...

i love lamp. and art. especially abstract art. it often inspires my writing. i find it interesting that concrete ideas can leap from an abstract visual. mark rothko happens to be my favorite abstract artist. the fact that his seemingly rudimentary artform can have such depth and texture has always fascinated me.

this next writing crystallized from the following rothko painting.

I am
the light
that pervades
your darkness,
the fire-
silk that
leaves you
with indelible
brand. I slip
through you
like descending
diatonic scale,
dispersing droplets
of dreams
and globules
of gold.
I am
slow poison
and there
is no
antidote for
my vengeance.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

a father's dilemma...

hello again,

over the next week i'll be posting some non-novel writings ( old and new) as i polish up the next 10 or so pages of the novel. enjoy this little morsel.

dick and guns don't mix.

my gait is shaky,
unsure if right can conquer left.
only a few were consumed.
two, four, maybe nine?
should a father love his daughter
even if his daughter loves the daughter
of another father?
proceed with caution, i hear harry say.
advice my daughter could have used
as she swam through the murky depths
of sexuality on her way to
the kingdom of lesbians.
this 28 gauge is cold metallic POWER
its parts slathered with god’s gift to my
bank account.
all of these years searching for some
common ground and now we’ve found it
in the contours and curves of the female form.
i see a covey of quail to my RIGHT, harry to the left.
i lean RIGHT, petroleum coursing through my veins.
accept her on the outside
and loathe her poisonous life choice on the inside.
My gun explodes and so does harry’s face.
just another casualty,
he should have been on my RIGHT

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

filling the gaps...

hello all,

more pages to come soon but first i'd like to share something old that has just recently been recreated and therefore become new .

searching for exile.

thoroughfare of sadness
weathered and fraying at the seams
like a mother who has just lost a child.

the deafening patter of hurried feet
echoes a mainstream in aimless wander.
artful lines of vulcanized, amorphous elasticity
make them as punchdrunk
as the vagrant with the sign on the corner.

my madness.
calculated is my walk, i yearn for an opening
a void in this collection of concrete.
my search for exile begins and continues.

night descends upon me once again
a recurrence around which i should not linger
but i am conned by the consoling colors of twilight.

each facade as uneven
as the unanswered questions
in my head.

in my hands i cup my fate
like precious water.

does all of this matter in the end?