Monday, November 9, 2009

light's omniscience...

i love lamp. and art. especially abstract art. it often inspires my writing. i find it interesting that concrete ideas can leap from an abstract visual. mark rothko happens to be my favorite abstract artist. the fact that his seemingly rudimentary artform can have such depth and texture has always fascinated me.

this next writing crystallized from the following rothko painting.

I am
the light
that pervades
your darkness,
the fire-
silk that
leaves you
with indelible
brand. I slip
through you
like descending
diatonic scale,
dispersing droplets
of dreams
and globules
of gold.
I am
slow poison
and there
is no
antidote for
my vengeance.


  1. kudos for using Rothko. Mark is rad. My favorite too.

  2. "I am slow poison and there is no antidote for my vengeance". That is one of the best and most threateningly sinister lines I have read or heard in some time.

  3. Thank you Jason and Paul. Jason, I know a lot of people don't get Rothko or care for him, which is fne, because on the flip side I hate Georgia O'Keefe and don't get her. It's all a matter of taste.

    Paul, I was reading "Heart of Darkness" at the time and the line sort of leapt out of the sinister, foreboding nature of the book. I sort of envisioned the red that Rothko uses as the slow poison that will eventually envelop the darkness.

  4. Ah, that is an interesting perspective that makes sense when applied to the overall nature of that tale. When you put it that way, it almost sounds like a glimmer of hope rather than a declaration of doomed vengeance.

  5. Paul,

    It is definitely alluding to "Hope's" vengeance. Darkness is doomed in this case. I liked the idea that "Hope" could be so sinister and unforgiving.
