Saturday, November 7, 2009

a father's dilemma...

hello again,

over the next week i'll be posting some non-novel writings ( old and new) as i polish up the next 10 or so pages of the novel. enjoy this little morsel.

dick and guns don't mix.

my gait is shaky,
unsure if right can conquer left.
only a few were consumed.
two, four, maybe nine?
should a father love his daughter
even if his daughter loves the daughter
of another father?
proceed with caution, i hear harry say.
advice my daughter could have used
as she swam through the murky depths
of sexuality on her way to
the kingdom of lesbians.
this 28 gauge is cold metallic POWER
its parts slathered with god’s gift to my
bank account.
all of these years searching for some
common ground and now we’ve found it
in the contours and curves of the female form.
i see a covey of quail to my RIGHT, harry to the left.
i lean RIGHT, petroleum coursing through my veins.
accept her on the outside
and loathe her poisonous life choice on the inside.
My gun explodes and so does harry’s face.
just another casualty,
he should have been on my RIGHT